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English abbreviation dictionary - pc


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veterin. abbr.
Pony Club veterin. abbr.
Pet Chihuahua onc. abbr.
Prostate Cancer lab. abbr.
Primitive Cell hosp. abbr.
Prompt Care physiol. abbr.
Peripheral Clarity physiol. abbr.
Perforated Cranium physiol. abbr.
Present Complaint physiol. abbr.
Phone call physiol. abbr.
After Meals physiol. abbr.
Posterior Cervical UN abbr.
Peaceful Coexistance supp. abbr.
PCA Electronics st. & loc. abbr.
Pepper Canyon st. & loc. abbr.
Panama City, Florida st. & loc. abbr.
Pine Creek st. & loc. abbr.
Pacific Crest polit. abbr.
Progressive Conservative NASA abbr.
Personal Computer U.S. gov. abbr.
Penn Charter U.S. gov. abbr.
Peace Corps U.S. gov. abbr.
Presidents Council U.S. gov. abbr.
Privatization And Cuts transport. abbr.
Passenger Car transport. abbr.
Precious Cargo transport. abbr.
Politically Correct mil. abbr.
Postal Clerk mil. abbr.
Power Converter mil. abbr.
Politically Correct mil. abbr.
Pass Certified mil. abbr.
Personal Computer mil. abbr.
Patrol Craft railroad abbr.
Consolidated Rail Corporation meteo abbr.
Program Council chemis. abbr.
Propylene Carbonate am. radio. abbr.
Poor Connection univ. abbr.
Partial Credit univ. abbr.
Pomona College univ. abbr.
Pikeville College mathem. abbr.
Polar Cycloaddition mathem. abbr.
Perfectly Complex astronom. abbr.
Planetary Contrast electron. abbr.
Powder Coating geol. abbr.
Pocket Computer geol. abbr.
Pacific Coast hobby abbr.
Platina Cards food abbr.
Plant Corn food abbr.
Pass The Corona food abbr.
Pork Chops funny abbr.
Plastic Computer funny abbr.
Personal Confuser funny abbr.
Pithecanthropus Computerurus funny abbr.
Perfect Computer funny abbr.
Poo Chomper clothes abbr.
Pearl Cotton plast. abbr.
Polycarbonate adult abbr.
Pretentious Crap adult abbr.
Pretty Crappy adult abbr.
Pushy Chick adult abbr.
Peice Of Crap adult abbr.
Piece Of Crap adult abbr.
Poncey Crap softw. abbr.
Proof Checker gen. comp. abbr.
Painless Computing gen. comp. abbr.
Personal Computer gen. comp. abbr.
Primary Cache gen. comp. abbr.
Poor Communication gen. comp. abbr.
Program Control gen. comp. abbr.
Programmable Calculator gen. comp. abbr.
Proactive Computing gen. comp. abbr.
Personally Configured gen. comp. abbr.
Personal Computing gen. comp. abbr.
Processor Control comp. assem. abbr.
Program Counter network. abbr.
Personal Cluster telec. abbr.
Personal Communications file ext. abbr.
Text file containing IBM PC specific info media abbr.
Program Camera media abbr.
Program Change media abbr.
Political Correctness media abbr.
Pervasive Computing non-prof. org. abbr.
Population Connection non-prof. org. abbr.
PetSMart Charities non-prof. org. abbr.
Public Citizen non-prof. org. abbr.
Population Council non-prof. org. abbr.
Programme Committee non-prof. org. abbr.
Presidential Classroom educ. abbr.
Physically Challenged educ. abbr.
Polite And Courteous educ. abbr.
Perfect For Child educ. abbr.
Phrase Command sport abbr.
Punt Center sport abbr.
Player Characteristic sport abbr.
Pre Christ sport abbr.
Paul's Chips sport abbr.
Player Coach sport abbr.
Pitch Class fam. abbr.
Pieter Cornelisz fam. abbr.
Prince Charming religion abbr.
Persecuted Christian religion abbr.
Perfectly Created law abbr.
Personal Cause law abbr.
Personally Corrupt law abbr.
Physical Containment law abbr.
Plain Courtesy law abbr.
Partial Conversion law abbr.
Probable Cause law abbr.
Personal Copier music abbr.
Polyphonic Collection gen. bus. abbr.
Production Capability gen. bus. abbr.
Paying Customer gen. bus. abbr.
Profit Choice gen. bus. abbr.
Person Contacted gen. bus. abbr.
Profitability Constraint gen. bus. abbr.
Purchase Constantly gen. bus. abbr.
Personally Crafted gen. bus. abbr.
Product Closure gen. bus. abbr.
Planning And Control gen. bus. abbr.
Precedents Committee gen. bus. abbr.
Paper Copy gen. bus. abbr.
Production Cup gen. bus. abbr.
Power Compact gen. bus. abbr.
Professional Corporation NYSE symbols P C Holdings, S.
A. pos. abbr.
Police Constable pos. abbr.
Player Character pos. abbr.
Paper Carrier pos. abbr.
Perfect Corner pos. abbr.
Personal Consultant pos. abbr.
Poetic Chap pos. abbr.
Perfectly Comfortable pos. abbr.
Privy Counsellor firm name abbr.
Prism Card account. abbr.
Premier Casting account. abbr.
Per Capita chat abbr.
Post A Comment chat abbr.
Pretty Cool chat abbr.
Past Caring chat abbr.
Pretty Clever chat abbr.
Pretty Cute chat abbr.
Pretty Chancy chat abbr.
Pretty Cheap lat. abbr.
Patres Conscripti lat. abbr.
Prontor Compur
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 n a personal computer; a small computer that is used by one person at a time, in business or at home ~2 adj politically correct ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (PCs) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. In Britain, a PC is a male police officer of the lowest rank. PC is an abbreviation for ‘police constable’. The PCs took her to the local station... PC Keith Gate helped arrest the men. N-COUNT; N-TITLE 2. A PC is a computer that is used by one person at a time in a business, a school, or at home. PC is an abbreviation for ‘personal computer’. The price of a PC has fallen by an average of 25% a year since 1982... N-COUNT 3. If you say that someone is PC, you mean that they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage. PC is an abbreviation for ‘politically correct’. ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  (plural ~s or ~'s)  Date: 1978 personal computer  II. abbreviation  1. peace corps  2. percent; percentage  3. politically correct; political correctness  4. postcard  5. printed circuit  6. professional corporation PC  abbreviation  1. parsec  2. Latin post cibum after a meal; post cibos after meals ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  abbr. 1 (in the UK) police constable. 2 (in the UK) Privy Counsellor. 3 personal computer. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  I сокр. от parsec парсек, пк II сокр. от printed circuit печатная схема III сокр. от pulverized coal пылевидный уголь PC I сокр. от paper chromatography бумажная хроматография, хроматография на бумаге II сокр. от parameter checkout контроль параметров III сокр. от parity check копт-роль (по) чётности IV сокр. от peripheral controller периферийный контроллер, контроллер периферийных устройств V сокр. от personal computer персональная ЭВМ VI сокр. от photocell фотоэлемент VII сокр. от polychloroprene полихлоропрен VIII сокр. от polymer concrete полимербетон IX сокр. от portland cement портландцемент X сокр. от potential controller регулятор потенциала XI сокр. от printed circuit печатная схема XII сокр. от process control управление (технологическим) процессом XIII сокр. от program counter счётчик команд XIV сокр. от programmable control 1) программное управление, ПУ 2) программируемое устройство управления 1 XV сокр. от programmable controller программируемый контроллер, ПК 1 XVI сокр. от programming center центр подготовки управляющих программ 1 XVII сокр. от propulsive coefficient пропульсивный коэффициент 1 XVIII сокр. от pulse code импульсный код 1 XIX сокр. от pulse counter счётчик импульсов XX сокр. от punched card перфокарта XXI сокр. от pulverized coal пылевидный уголь ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  фин. сокр. от participation certificate PC 1) (personal computer) персональная вычислительная машина 2) (photocell) фотоэлемент 3) (pulse counter) счетчик импульсов PC фин. сокр. от participation certificate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  см. politically correct ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  I Personal Computer noun перснальный кмпьютер, ПЭВМ II Peace Corps noun Корпус мира III PerCent; PerCentage noun процентное содержание IV Post Card noun почтовая открытка ...
Англо-русский словарь


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